Our Services
Steady steps and Explorations with Balance
For this 4-week series we will explore movement options to re-discover how our skeleton supports us, how to shift our weight and trust our balance. You will learn to organise your movement more efficiently so that your dynamic balance improves.
These classes are suitable for you if:
- you have lost some confidence with moving
- have a fear of falling
- experience moments of being unsteady
- have nearly had a fall
- have experienced a fall (or multiple falls)
Day/ Time /Dates: Wednesday 9am to 10 am on Wednesday April 26th, May 3rd, 10th, 17th

All about the Pelvic Floor Muscles
These 3 classes will provide the opportunity to learn more about the pelvic floor muscles and how they integrate into all of our movement. The movement lessons will specifically inform how the pelvic floor muscles function during relaxed breathing, coughing, sneezing, laughing as well as exercising, walking, running, and lifting. You will learn to sense the experience of how these muscles respond during moments of stillness and then when demand is put on the muscles. This enables you to train the muscles to strengthen and perform as required.
The muscles of the pelvic floor can be weakened with pregnancy, childbirth, prostate cancer treatment, obesity, chronic constipation, and ageing.
These classes are suitable for you if:
- Pre-natal or post-natal
- You are planning on becoming pre-natal
- You find that you leak when you cough, sneeze, or laugh
- You find that you leak with any form of effort or exercise
- You are curious to learn more about your pelvic floor
And……Prevention is better than cure
Day/Time/Dates: Wednesday 9am to 10 am on Wednesday May 24th, 31st and June 7th
Wake Up Ready for a great day
We are now learning the Wake-Up sequence. This enables you to learn a sequence that can be explored daily (somewhat like a Yoga or meditation practice). There is endless possibility learning a personal practice to enjoy alone at home or in class with others. Discover the feeling of being calm yet alive, potent and ready. If you are new to class, we will proceed at a suitable pace in order for you to feel comfortable.
In class we will learn or re-discover:
lots of variations of the movements that enable us to maintain balance, flexibility and strength – flexion (folding movements), extension (arching movements), side bending and rotation (twisting and spiral movements)
The feeling of being calm yet alive, potent, and ready
How to focus and sense internally and outside i.e. both awareness of how you are moving, and of the environment in which you are moving. Practising focus is helpful for those of us that feel we are losing this ability.
Further information about the Wake-Up series: This sequence of dynamic movements is based on the (more than) 1500 Awareness Through Movement lessons created by the founder of the Feldenkrais Method, Moshe Feldenkrais. It was originally composed in this format by French theatre teacher, Monika Pagneux (who studied with Moshe Feldenkrais) to help her students “wake up”, to be ready to play/explore and to follow their impulses when performing (or in life!). In 2017, one of Monika’s students, theatre practitioner, Anna Yen generously shared the original sequence with other Australian Feldenkrais practitioners including Sara Elderfield that it might be further developed by the community of practitioners. It was then further refined by Australian Feldenkrais Trainer, Julie Peck. Over the last couple of years, Jenny has been learning and attending classes and workshops with both Sara Elderfield and Julie Peck and has then been introducing snippets to current students in her classes.
Day/Time/Date: Thursday from 5:30pm to 6:30pm on April 27th, May 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, Jun 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th 2024
Where: The Meeting Room, St Georges Family Centre
48 Gibney St, Dunsborough
PTO for further information
The Meeting Room is accessed via the dirt carpark a little further along Gibney Street. You will see signs for the St George’s Family Centre and the Naturalist Family Playgroup. PTO further detail…
What to wear: Loose comfortable clothes you can move in. If you have an exercise mat, please bring it. It is a good idea to bring a towel and arrive 5-10 mins early to prepare.
Bookings: Questions welcome and Bookings are appreciated – please register your interest in attending by contacting Jenny: jen@infinitemovement.com.au or by phone 0439 881 300.
Minimum of 4 participants required for course to run.
Cost: $100 for 4 class-pass; $75 for 3 class-pass; or $28 casual attendance. It is recommended to attend as many classes as possible.
Through gentle and interesting movement sequences, you develop awareness, flexibility, and coordination, as well as a sense of release.
Improve your ability to utilize more of your whole self for better balance, walking and moving in general